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Woozie (Grandmother) Wisdom*
Life, Sex, and Love Advice from Therapist and Grandmothter
The author is both a grandmother and a professional therapist with a career spanning 30 years focusing on relationships and sex. As the subtitle suggests, the book is divided into three sections: life, sex, and love. Each section is further divided into short, vaguely interrelated articles headed by an interesting quote. The author shares her personal experience and professional wisdom about each topic. The life section looks at things from parenting to stress to grieving. The sex section looks at the emotional meaning and relationship enhancing aspects of it as well as sexual practices. Finally, the love section covers such topics as dating, control, and how men and woman can perceive each other wrong.
There were some issues with grammar, punctuation, and usage. The author seems to have an eclectic style with a love of semicolons that sometimes impeded meaning or impact. Word choice was at times odd or wrong. For instance, I believe there was a place where she meant to say that a man was concerned about being virile rather than virulent.
The author frankly discusses all these topics, so if you’re a little squeamish about reading about the details of sex and sexual practices, this aspect of the book may make you feel uncomfortable. She discusses some generational differences with each of the topics as well. Imagine It must be interesting to grow up with a mother who was a relationship and sex counselor; I wonder if it is as surreal for her grandchildren as I imagine it would be!