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U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans*

A Great Guide to Taxes for Americans Living Abroad

If you are an American, whether by birth or by choice, and you spend a lot of time out of the country either as a full expatriate, a perpetual traveler, or an “accidental American” (someone born in the U. S. but has spent most of their life abroad), this is the book you need to figure out what precisely your tax burden is to the United States government and what to do about it. It is written by a man who is French by birth but became an American citizen before becoming a global traveler on a large scale. He does have some background in finance, and he offers this book to help you understand the processes of taxation for the global American. He gets very detailed about specific forms, exemptions, and other tax information. Truly, if you are an American who spends much of the year outside of the U. S., whether making money or not, this is a book that will help you get and stay tax compliant. The author has done a wonderful service for traveling Americans, and Americans who dream of travel, by writing a book with such solid information.