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Tonic Chords*
More Magic and Music
I was intrigued by a book that combined music and magic; I don’t think I’ve seen that before. This is the second book in the series, and Tory wants to teach Alamar saxophone since she accidentally wiped his mind of knowing how to play it. She is introduced to more and more magical elements in this world as she immerses herself in the knowledge of Musimagia. Magical attacks increase.
Will Tory become better at following the rules of Musimagia? Will Alamar regain his ability to play the saxophone? Why are magical attacks increasing?
The book is written in the first-person past. One of the dangers of this point of view is that the author can stay too much in the narrator’s head, which translates into a lot of narrative prose and exposition. Unfortunately, that was the case in this book. This book has a fresh concept that would have come more to life if there had been more dialogue and action and not so much thought.