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The Un-Life of William Moore*
Undirected and Pointless
I am not sure quite what to make of this book. I’ll admit I don’t usually read vampire books, but the blurb had me intrigued that this would not be like others of the subgenre. I spent a couple of hours with it, and as I sit here now, I find myself wondering what the point of the book was. In the end, I am disappointed. I felt like not much happened for the first part of the book except for the gradual teasing out of information about what vampires mean in this world. And this information was given super slowly over many weeks as the heroine dragged the information from the vampire who visited her weekly for a meal. Then as other characters became involved in their existence, things starting to get mildly more interesting. But the author didn’t really set up the changes that came in the latter half the book in the first part of the book. Yes, the vampire did mention another vampire, but he didn’t give too much information about him. In the end, this book felt more like it was setting up a vampire world more than it was an actual vampire novel, a proper story. It is more about world-building than the story. I didn’t like the end. Not at all. It made me feel like I had wasted a couple of hours. There truly was no point.