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The Girl with the Pearl Pin*
Some Story Flaws but Good Characters
It is kind of funny. I have often thought to myself that authors do not explore the Georgian period often enough. Regency is certainly one of the most common types of historical romance. So I was intrigued by this story at the outset, knowing that it was of that earlier time period. I have to say, though, that this actually still just felt and read like a Regency. Other than the time frame, nothing really made it seem to stand out as Georgian. I also thought that the language didn’t feel elevated enough to mimic those of that earlier time. I felt the author more often told rather than showed, and there was a rather prodigious dated dump in the first chapter. Actually, the author did seem to have a love of long descriptive passages not broken up by dialogue. Sometimes those became a little tedious. I liked the hero, Leo, as he is just such a thoroughly decent guy with more capacity for feeling than he gives himself credit for. He makes mistakes, to be sure, but I love how he is able to look beyond rank to see the value of another person, to see the content of their character rather than social class.