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Open Your Akashic Records*
A Deep, Ethical Dive into Your Akashic Records
What a fascinating book! I have been a student of metaphysics and the occult for a very long time, since I was a teenager, as my mother was interested in the topics and passed that on to her children. I vaguely remember hearing about the akashic records but had never explored the concept in depth. This is just the book to let someone do so. I will admit that the topic is a little hard to pin down precisely, and that was echoed somewhat in the earlier portions of the book. But within the lessons of the book, the author slowly unwinds what this is all about and how we can be enriched by working with these records in an ethical, intensely personal way. After setting you up for good, ritualized practice in the early lessons, the book gets interesting further on when she shows you how to access the records to answer questions, get support, and reveal more to you about your life’s purpose and journey. If you have any interest in metaphysics or the akashic records, this book will scratch an itch you may not have known you had.