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Moonlight & Whiskey*
Foul and Crude; Hard to Believe It Is From a Major Publisher
I was intrigued by this book because I am always drawn to books with themes about overweight and body acceptance as these are issues I am intimately familiar with. So I wasn’t quite prepared for how raw this book would be. What do I mean by raw? This story is told from the perspective of the overweight heroine in the first person. The guts she lacks when dealing with members of the opposite sex—and her entire experience of men shows them to be at times cruel and unkind because of her size—is not lacking in her forthright assessments and actions and crude language. I had signed up for this book at a review site that doesn’t give previews, so I was flying blind choosing it based on the blurb alone. Frankly, I am somewhat appalled at the level of swearing, crude language, and just plain icky thoughts and actions that this book is full of. I had a hard time getting through it, and I actually found myself wondering if young women these days actually talk to each other like this and think this way. I, for one, hope they do not. While I was sympathetic to the heroine’s weight issue and problems with men because of it, I just couldn’t see her as a completely sympathetic character; she was just too brassy and crude, and I thought her mind and mouth were always in the gutter. Also, I didn’t like reading some details of her experiences. I know in writing there is a big push to show, rather than tell, but I don’t really want to see the heroine’s anus hair mentioned in a book I’m reading just for an escape or guilty pleasure! Yes, this does happen!