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Intentional Living*
Roadmap to Experiential Living
I feel that the title of this book is a bit of a misnomer. It might better be called Experiential Living because the author discusses in depth was he calls a dedicated experience phase of life. He posits that there can be many dedicated phases in life, like a career phase, a spiritual phase, and an intellectual phase (among others). The experiential phase is experienced in some Western cultures as the gap year, but a person can choose such a phase at any point in life.
The goal of the experience phase is to directly experience some aspect of life to the fullest while you’re not dedicating a vast amount of time to other responsibilities. According to the author, it can take many forms–one of the more common being foreign travel– depending upon what the individual person desires to experience. The book details the concept, the benefits, and even gives you ideas to consider attempting for your experience phase. He gives hints about how to structure it so you can get the most from the experience.
The book suffered from editing problems. Not only was the book rife with grammar, punctuation, and usage errors, but sections needed to be tightened and certain areas required more focus.
That said, if you plan to do something like this, you might enjoy the insights that this author has to offer to help you get the most out of your experience phase.