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How to Love a Duke in Ten Days***
Not Just About the Romance
This is the first book that I have read by Kerrigan Byrne. I am a huge fan of Regency, Victorian, and medieval romance. I find myself not quite knowing quite what to say about this book. It has gotten rave reviews on Amazon, and the author is in fact a very good writer as she can easily pull you into characters’ world and make you care about them. Her descriptions make you feel like you are right there.
But I do have one big problem with this book. The first scene is quite awful. The author or the publisher definitely should have put a trigger warning for this book. The first scene is a violent moment from the heroine’s past depicting physical assault, rape, and murder. Some detail is given, though not all—thankfully. Still, it is overwhelming and too much. Had I been given a warning about the physical assault and rape, I might not have bought this book. I just don’t like romances that feature rape (even if not detailed). To me, the scene and its aftermath were that bad.
The hero and heroine are actually interesting characters to follow. Given her past, the heroine has quite a character arc as she moves from distrust to trust, from fear to love. The hero starts as the dark and broody type, but of course, he has a gentle heart that he keeps well hidden. I absolutely adored the heroine’s best girlfriends, the Rogue Reds, without whom she may not have survived, mentally or physically, all that she had been through.
If you are aware of the triggers and don’t mind them, you might enjoy this book as the author does know how to write a good book. If you don’t like to see your heroines treated violently (and acting with retaliatory violence), you may want to pass on this book.