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Confessions of a Crypto Millionaire*
One Man’s Cryptocurrency Story
This book is written memoir style by a man who was able to make money by getting in on bitcoin and ethereum. While you do learn a lot about blockchain, bitcoin, and ethereum in the book, this is really more of his story, detailing his life from workaday corporate employee to crypto millionaire. The prologue is his screed against corporate America and in praise of alternatives like cryptocurrencies. I know a little about cryptocurrencies from watching a few documentaries, but it was fascinating to watch in action from a personal perspective, seeing it make a difference in one man’s life. If you have any interest in the subject, the book is a fascinating read. There was only one thing I didn’t like about it. It has a surprising amount of profanity including variations on the F-word. I just don’t like profanity in books, whether it’s fiction, memoir, or nonfiction. Other than that, though, I found it to be a compelling read.