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Accelerated Weight Loss - 70 Positive Affirmations*
Good Affirmation Process Along with Targeted Affirmations
The mind can be an incredible tool when applied with intent to many different topics. The power of affirmations comes from this space. They can help your brain accept a new, more positive reality. This book begins with an explanation of the author’s technique for working with affirmations. She has a 5-step process that should help to imprint any affirmations better than if one had just simply spoken some aloud once or twice. In fact, I quite like her affirmation procedure. It wouldn’t really take that long, and the effect could definitely be magnifying. The affirmations themselves all have to deal with weight loss and having a healthy body, as the title suggests, and some affirmations are specific to the DASH diet. From the way things were worded in the book, it sounds like there are audio files that go along with this or will be provided by the author in some way. I was not given access to that as a reviewer, so I cannot speak to what that might be. I would hope that she would give the reader time and space to follow the 5-step process that she recommends. All in all, this appears to be a decent book of affirmations for weight loss, especially if you are following the DASH diet.