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A Raging Madness*
Melodramatic Opening Hampers Enjoyment
Oh, goodness! What a melodramatic start for the heroine. I actually didn’t like this setup for her, and unfortunately, this colored my feelings about the rest of the book. I had just recently finished another novel about someone who suffered in an English asylum in the 1800s. The other book treated the subject very seriously, so in this novel it felt jarring to see it merely used as a plot device to set up the story and elicit empathy from the reader. I felt like the author’s writing was a bit stilted, which caused some distance between me and the work. I did like the character of the hero, though. I tend to have a soft spot for the wounded war hero, who believes that his physical issues make him less of a person. I felt like the book needed some editorial pruning. In the middle section especially, the author seemed to have scenes that didn’t serve a dramatic purpose.