Some Favorite Books This Month!

I’ve been having a tough time keeping up with both the reading AND posting here. While I get it all sorted out, I thought I could at least post the review links to Amazon here, so you can read them there!

Note: I am listing reviews as I do them each day. Sometimes, Amazon takes days or even a week or more to approve these reviews, so you will see a lag between when I list reviews and when a link is available. The longest I had to wait was 3.5 weeks!

Note about Goodreads and BookBub Reviews Linked Below

Sometimes, you’ll see me link to my review at Goodreads or BookBub. That’s usually because I’m having some sort of issue with Amazon: they’re taking waaaaay too long to post the review or they’ve rejected the review because they say it isn’t up to “community standards.” They are never specific… and just ask me to review the community standards page. I wish they would be specific… so I can avoid whatever it is they don’t like. Most “rejected” reviews are rather tame; some are even 5 stars. I’ve noted that some words seem to trigger it, like boring or transitioning. Hey, sometimes things just ARE boring, and it is much more succinct to say that than “visually unappealing” when talking backgrounds in children’s activity books! Others completely leave me scratching my head about what might be “wrong” with the review.

Hope that life becomes a little more sane so I can post my full reviews here soon!

For what ever reason, Amazon rejected 12 of my reviews mid month in November, over the span of just a few days, and I can’t figure out why. It happened with both positive and negative reviews, from fiction to nonfiction to children’s. 🤷‍♀️ I’ve decided to make links to my Goodreads reviews (if available) orange!

Because of this treatment, I’ve decided to review as little as possible on Amazon, sticking to Advance Reader Copies that don’t require it, though I am still doing some to honor my ARC commitments. I actually only reviewed two books in December after this treatment, but now in January I am posting more to Amazon. We’ll see how it goes!

So, to reiterate, any purple/blue links you see go to my reviews at Amazon; orange links to the review at Goodreads.



Historical Romance (and Time-Travel Romance)

Contemporary Romance

Christmas Fiction

Mysteries, Suspense, and Thrillers

Speculative Fiction

Chick Lit / Women’s Literature / Literary Fiction


Children’s Fiction

Children’s Christmas Fiction



  • The Grade 1 Music Theory Book by Hampstead Piano Academy



Activity Books for Adults

Christmas Activity Books for Adults



  • Let Your Zen Out: A 52-Week Simple Guided Journal To Be Completely Alive With Zen by Emily Murphy
  • Final Wishes | Things You Must Know After I Die by Thoughtful Planners
  • The Hustle Journal: Be Productive, Stay Focused, Build Your Empire
    Bogdan Ivanov
  • Wine Tasting Journal by Alejandro Sara



Health, Wellness, and Medicine


Self-Help and Motivational

Spiritual and Metaphysical

Business, Money, and Investing




Children’s Nonfiction


Children’s Activity, Game, and Joke Books

Children’s Christmas Activity, Game, and Joke Books


No-So-Favorite Books This Month!