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Wildly Inappropriate Heroine

Merciful heavens! I did not like this book. It turned me off on so many levels. First, the profanity. The blurb didn’t warn about profanity at all, and I think any book that uses a lot of it it should warn readers who have no desire to read that kind of language. While I can appreciate that the character was mad at her husband because of his treatment of her, I didn’t think the heroine should have thought and acted the way she did in his hospital room, both when she was alone with him and when she was with his mother. In a real-world situation, to have one family member talk like that to another member of the family when a patient is in the ICU is just hurtful and inappropriate. The heroine might not like her husband or her mother-in-law, but there is still such a thing as common decency when one is around someone appears to be dying. I am an RN, so I may be a bit sensitive to this issue. Oh, and some of her description of the hospital was so inaccurate. The book is already short, but surprisingly it takes until approximately the 12% mark for the story to actually start. The first 12% is taken up by things like the blurb, table of contents, acknowledgments, and descriptions of the other heroines in this series. I just did not like this book.